Yarn - Orange, Yellow and White. Half a skein of orange and a small amount of yellow and white yarn.
Size - Age 3-4
Needles - Size 7 double pointed needles
Cast on 88 stiches and divide the stiches between 3 needles (29, 29 and 30 stitches per needle).
Using orange yarn knit rounds 1 - 10.
Change to seed stich and knit until the piece measures 5 inches.
Change to yellow yarn and begin to shape crown.
Working in seed stitch for 6 stitches and then k2 tog. repeat around
Round 2 seed stitch as established
Round 3 seed stitch for 5 stitches then K2 tog. repeat around
Round 4 seed stitch as established
Round 5 seed stitch for 4 stitches then K2 tog. repeat around
Round 6 seed stitch as established
Switch to white yarn
Round 7 seed stitch for 3 stitches then K2 tog. repeat around
Round 8 seed stitch as established
Round 9 seed stitch for 2 stitches then K2 tog. repeat around
Round 10 seed stitch as established
Repeat until you have 20 stitches
K2 tog. around you should have 10 stitches
Cut the yarn and weave the end through the remaining stitches. Pull together tightly and tie in a knot.