Saturday, January 28, 2012

bulletin board

I am slowly working my way through a long list of home projects the biggest of which is moving my little man from the "nursery" into his own "big boy" room. As I am working my way through turning the guest room into his room I am coming across various things that have been stashed in there, out of the way so to speak! This includes the little hand and foot print set I did 2 years ago and never put together - it's now proudly hanging in our bedroom. Better late than never.

I have so many frames that were in that room and I have no where to put them so I decided to do something creative with one of them and make a covered bulletin board. I found some inspiration online and did some pinning. Love Pintrest!

Here are some of my favorites.

I like the layering of the buttons on these push pins
great color!
Totally my favorite. Love it.  
simple and nice

love the idea of painting on the board

So after browsing through these lovely examples and many more here is what I made! I painted the frame in some fun purple/grey paint I had and used some funky 1970s style fabric. I also made some pushpins by making fabric flowers and hot glued them on to the pins. I also roughed up the frame with some sand paper to create a shabby effect.

I need to add some hooks on the back so I can hang it up but for now it looks nice on the shelf in my kitchen.

I just love the fabric It's actually a whole jungle them when you see the fabric. It was so cool I bought it without a particular project in mind and I haven't found the right way to use it yet but this is a start.

Here are the push pins I made. So easy and cute.

Hope you like it!


Linked to:
Sundae Scoop Link Party
Think Pink Sundays
Show & Tell Saturday
Friday Frolic
Pity Party 
Friday Flair
Frugal Friday


  1. Great choice of fabric! ANd the homemade pushpins - beautiful!

  2. You have such a cute blog. I found you on the link party. I am your newest follower. :) If you would like to check out my blog that would be awesome and follow me back..I would love to feature you on my blog sometime, you have way cute stuff..


    1. Hi Brooke, I just checked out your blog and became a follower. Such a cute photo of you and your hubby, I love all the recipes too! I would be honored to be featured! Let me know!
