Friday, February 24, 2012

cocoa nut

So you can see from my last post that I am a fan of chocolate. A big fan. In fact I usually look something like this.

In honor of Lent and my expanding thighs I have given up chocolate. 40 days and 40 nights of misery stretch ahead. I am in to Day 3 now and I have to say I find it most hard at night. My dreams are filled with this....

and this...

and this...

and I mean, seriously?

I have to confess this morning I ate one cocoa puff from my son's cereal bowl. It was automatic! As soon as I had crunched the sweet little morsel I realized what I had done! Too late. Oh well, from here on - no more. Wish me luck. And for those of you not silly enough to deprive yourself until Easter.

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